Friday, December 24, 2010
First Post--What This Site is About
This blog is for those whose lives revolve around distance running.You may be a good runner,you may be a plodder,it doesn't matter because the one thing you both have in common is that you live for the run.What you will read in this blog will relate and pertain to your passion for running,it will inform as well as encourage. I feel that my many decades as a runner and coach covering distances from the sprints to ultras,to track,road,trail and mountain runs,has given me a wealth of experience. I've read tons of books and visited as many sites pertaining to running and would like to say that it is not my desire to go over familiar territory here. There are runners who run because they like to compete,there are others who do it purely for social reasons,while others do it to keep fit.I am writing to the runners who recognize, that for them, a life without running is one they don't want to imagine.To them it's more than just about being social,keeping fit or competing.Maybe that describes you,or perhaps you think you're headed to that point.Those who live for the run approach running and life differently than the other running groups I just mentioned. What you will read in this blog will be more often than not different from anything you've read in other running mags,books,sites and blogs.There will be something for every kind of runner.
I don't say this to boast--I have never seen a running blog like this one,and that's a good thing.